Artificial intelligence,How to become a Artificial intelligence engineer

Contents of this topic

What is artificial intelligence?
Types Of artificial intelligence
Application of artificial intelligence
Skill required to become a artificial intelligence engineer
How to become artificial intelligence engineer step by step
Career in Artificial intelligence
Salary of artificial intelligence engineer

What is artificial intelligence ?

Artificial intelligence is a combination of Hardware,software and math.It is a technology where Machine process the human intelligence,especially computer system.In late 1950’s Minsky and McCarthy(also Known as the father of artificial intelligence) described the artificial intelligence.These process include learning,reasoning and self correction.

Artificial intelligence further categorized In two parts called

  • Weak artificial intelligence-> Weak Artificial intelligence is a part of Artificial intelligence which is specially designed for the Narrow task , or we can say that for a particular task just like speech recognition , Eye Recognition. example-: Google assistant , Our Mobile face lock, finger print recognition and etc.
  • Strong Artificial intelligence->Strong artificial intelligence is part of artificial intelligence Which is designed to process all the task by the Machine Which Human intelligence can processed just like car driving , Army , Sweeping , Self correction ,Can think by yourself. example of Strong AI-: Automated car , Automated military , Automated Sweeper and etc.

Application of artificial intelligence

The Artificial intelligence used in every field. These are the some application of artificial intelligence-:

  • Healthcare-> To use the artificial intelligence in healthcare is not too easy it’s so complex , We need complex algorithm and strong programming to Automate the healthcare field. The main aim of Artificial intelligence in the healthcare is to analyze What is the problem of patient and how Patient will came out from that particular problem, What type of prevention or treatment can solve the patient problem. Ai Must need a strong algorithm which Determine the medicine,which medicine is for which disease.
  • Business-> The use of artificial intelligence in Business is very widely.” Data science “which is the part of Artificial intelligence technology Are widely used by the business to pre-find the the value of particular product and services.”Automation” which is also the part Artificial intelligence are widely used in business to automate the the service just like chat boat,Auto data analysis, Natural language processing, product recommendation and etc.
  • Education->The use of artificial intelligence in educational field is also widely. Many of the online education company develop a software or a machine which can answer your question so fast with live example. There so many use AI in the educational field just like check the exam copy so fast through software,grading our academics so fast through software.
  • Manufacturing-> The manufacturer or a manufacturing company use Ai machine for a labouring purpose, Which less the cost of manpower and decrease the Manufacturing it is widely used in manufacturing industry.
  • Army->The artificial intelligence is widely used in Army. many of the develop country just like America , Russia and china used Ai For their army because a machine can more perfectly work as compare to the man. It also decrease the cost of man power because manpower take the salary monthly but the Machine not do this. and etc..

The artificial intelligence Technologies further categorized in three part-:

  • Machine learning-> Machine learning is part of Ai technologies,It is types of learning where machine can learn and improve itself without explicitly programmed. It gives the ability to machine to learn and improve by his experience
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  • Data science-> Data science is a part of artificial intelligence which help the business to pre-find the value of product and services. It is a type of science where business man use this science for development of their business.
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  • Deep learning-> Deep learning is a part of Ai Technology which make the machine learning more fast , accurate and multi functional.Deep learning can structured the big unstructured data which is not possible by machine learning. It means it helps the machine learning to do more fast accurate.
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Skill required to become Artificial intelligence-:

In the journey to become a artificial engineer you should must have the knowledge of some technical skill.

  • programming language(R,java,python,Ruby)
  • Linear algebra,statistics,calculus
  • applied mathematics
  • Algorithm
  • Neural network Architecture
  • Creative thinking
  • problem solving
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Knowledge of industry

career in artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a trending field now a days,so if you ask me about Artificial intelligence career I Will always said, this is the booming technology now a days because it is used by every you can definitely go for this.

Salary of artificial engineer

  • Freshers/entry level- 6 to 10 lakhs per annum
  • mid level- 10 to 20 lakh per annum
  • experienced- 20 to 50 lakh per annum
  • as your experience increase your salary also be increase.

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Artificial intelligence video